About Me

Hi! I'm Rosalyn, the artist.
Hi there! I’m Rosalyn Schmuck, the artist and the shop owner! It’s nice to meet you!!
I’m German-Indian. I’ve lived in India all my life, and I am currently living out on a small farm in Tamil Nadu, South India – probably not what you were expecting to hear, right?
I first started out painting back in 2020. At that time, I had no idea of how far my painting talent would go or what all I would do with it. Over the years, it’s been the process of me giving my little ‘loaves and fishes’ over to the Lord and seeing Him increase and multiply it on every side. And, in this process, I’ve had to be willing to be stretched far beyond what I think I can do! I’ve gone from being a person who thought they had no exceptional artistic ability, to doing things in artwork that I had no idea I could do… God gets all the glory!
I find a special joy in creating faith-filled, Bible based paintings. They are the funnest kind of paintings to work on, and hence, they are what I paint the most!
Thanks for stopping by, and God bless!
Acknowledgments: I want to thank my brother Emanuel who has done an incredible amount of work in getting my paintings computerized and in building this website! (You can find his own website and fun apparel store at spiritunbroken.com!)
Fun fact: Why is my shop called Rosalyn Art Store? Well, the reason for this is that, when I first started painting, I couldn’t for the life of me think of a name for my shop!! That’s when someone suggested that I temporarily call it ‘Rosalyn Art’. Here I am five years later, and I still haven’t thought of another name!! So, Rosalyn Art Store it is!
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